BASELINES is a monitoring tool that enables the practitioner to identify systematically transient changes in an individual’s vocal (verbal and non-verbal) and non-vocal (non-verbal) behaviour when disclosing detail or responding to questioning in a face-to-face or telephone interview.

BASELINES is an invaluable tool for identifying:

  • ‘hot spots’ – vocal (verbal and non-verbal) and non-vocal (non-verbal) behaviour change or changes (prior to, during, and following an interviewee’s utterance) potentially indicative that this is a matter worthy of probing
  • vocal (verbal and non-verbal) and non-vocal (non-verbal) behaviour change or changes exhibited by the interviewee while you state something, pose a question, or comment – and in the following 5-6 seconds (prior to commencement of talking or when talking): indicative of potential deception.

For the latest version of BASELINES download this PDF